martes, 1 de junio de 2010

Visitando viveros: Verdesencia

Unas semanas atrás tuvimos el placer de visitar Verdesencia, un vivero especializado en herbáceas. Aqui algunas imágenes de éste hermoso vivero:
Las chicas de Ay Rosita....con sus exclusivos cactus realizados en vitriofusion

Aqui les dejo la info de como contactarse con Germán o Ana, sus dueños:

5 comentarios:

  1. Thank you so much Meri, I really love your blog and it´s only a few days I´ve found it♥

  2. your blog is lovely! thanks for following mine!
    i love water plants and you have some amazing ones that we can not have around here!
    happy day!

  3. Thank you so much for your sweet words!!! Ohhh what a nice job you have and what stunning plants you show!!!! Unfortunately I have only a very little garden in the city centre and I have not the opportunity to have many plants!!!
    Your photos are a joy for my eyes!

  4. Thank you soooooooo much Rosa and Vale!!! I really like your blogs!!! ♥♥♥
